Premier Partners has spent most of January 2021 in Austin Texas, working with other organizations like Wealth Builder United to help feed the hungry and educate minorities on ways to build wealth. We were also looking to add another property to our existing Hosea Property Management real-estate portfolio.
If you haven’t heard the Austin housing market is booming in a big way. However, as I drive around my home-town, you notice that there is literally a mini tent city under every bridge. The gentrification efforts in East Austin where most of city’s minorities use to live is clearly on steroids.
These events contribute heavily to the city’s homelessness situation and ultimately plays a part in exacerbating the hunger problems. The world produces more than enough food to feed every man, woman and child.
However according to the World Hunger Statistics (Food-Aid Foundation) Approximately 821 million people still go to bed on an empty stomach. The vast majority impacted are our children. Its past the time for society to step up and address hunger world-wide. Please get involved, you may not be able to give much, but every little bit counts. Especially to that child receiving their first hot meal after not eating for a couple of days. #stopworldhunger#premierpartnersfeedthechildren